Sunday, October 19, 2008

Now its Rj's turn

My dear first born seems to get not as much attention lately and I feel bad about that. He has grown up so much since a year ago. I can actually have a conversation with him and understand him. He sometimes adds his two cents in the conversations Ryan and I have during car rides. He is listening and that has always been surprising to me. He loves LEGOs (didn't you? I still do) and has always been great at puzzles. His most recent accomplishment is 2 100 pieces puzzles completed in one night...with minimal help from us. Just about the only help was telling him to put all the colors together and then he put the picture together.

Last night we were at a birthday party (yes again) and as I was mingling with the other mommies I was surprised to hear some form of music coming from the piano area. Earlier there was this kid that was playing the Mario Brothers song from the game so I was happily surprised then. This time when I looked it was MY SON!

No he was not playing composed music (well his own composed music) but it was not painful to listen to either. It some how actually made some tune at least enough for me to want to record it. His first real exposure to the piano playing was with my dad during our family trip for the Maranan reunion last year while pregnant with Celeste. I do hope there is some kind of musical talent brewing in there. I have already added music class in his daycare activities....planting the seeds now.
Its true what they say about some parents giving their children what they didn't or couldn't have when they were younger. I did not find it interesting to play any instrument. And now I find myself hoping that the kids will.

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