Thursday, October 16, 2008

Its middle of October already?

Wow! I can't believe its already half way through October which means Celeste is turning the 1 soon-very soon -more like the 24th. My baby girl is ONE! Where has the year taken us? Apparently through a lot but all good stuff.  We are having a birthday celebration on the 25th since its a Saturday. I managed to book a venue and finalizing the details like food, drinks and entertainment. Of course the theme is Princess Celeste. Here is she is searching for the theme...

 I got the banner and the other items all coordinated...insanely I think sometimes.  I am hoping to get the Clown that does balloon animals and stuff and maybe puppet show or face painting. Food so far that I've ordered is from the pizza place I go to at work that has killer garlic breads and pasta...can't wait. 
Meanwhile Miss Celeste started daycare about 3 weeks ago due to necessity. I found a place near work that happens to have 2 people I know that take their kids there too although the kids are older than Celeste. The staff is great but like with any daycare beginning a child gets a cold. She got it and still has it. Due to the cold she got her first ear infection-bummer. She was started on antibiotics and was good for about a week Tuesday morning she was covered in rashes-head to toe red rashes. I took her to ER asap - it was 6 am and thank goodness the parking lot was empty and so was the waiting room. We got in right away, Md came and saw her and told me its probably a delayed allergic reaction to Amoxicillin. You think?! Duh! Now what are we going to do about it? We stopped it of course and just observe her. Meanwhile I am coughing a lung followed by a headache. I see the Md the following day and found out I have bronchitis. Celeste and I spend a whole week together-yay!
What surprises me is during this whole ordeal she never complained-it was like she was not sick at all. She was just her usual cheerful-happy go lucky self-eating drinking the same way.
And did I mention she is WALKING!! Ma gurl is walking every where! Good thing Papa installed the gate back at the stairs. She is also trying to put her little fingers into any thing that looks like a hole. She is the child of mine that I need to baby  proof the house for. Rj was never into what she is. Rj was the easily entertained baby with TV. Celeste could care less about TV. She is the explorer. Heck she is already exploring her closet as you can see from below.
She also has enough hair now to add a clip. I finally found an excuse to buy those cute baby clips I've been eyeing at the Nest.  Doesn't she look more like a girl now? She also has two top and two bottom teeth out... watch out she bites. 

1 comment:

Elisha Marie said...

I can't believe how big she is now! They found out I was allergic to penicillin when I got my first ear infection too!