Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Making of a Groupie

The story starts out about 19 years ago when I found out about New Kids on the Block. I became a groupie. They were young, cute, and I could see myself hanging out with them. I even tried to copy their dance moves (& failed miserably). I attended the first concert in Atlantic City accompanied by some close family friends and my brother. I thought I had died and gone to heaven seeing my favorite guy (Jonathan) through binoculars...if I could just reach out and touch him-*sigh* Seriously thought he was looking at me and only me. Second concert was Madison Square Garden after the Thanksgiving parade. Screaming dancing living my young life & happy at it. I knew the song lyrics by heart. Then life happened and I grew up.
Fast forward to May 2008-while reading posts off the message board at the Nest I found out that the boys are back...I found myself screaming like I did back then-forgetting that I was holding my baby daughter in my arms. For my birthday I asked my dear husband for tickets to their concert in October. And he gave it to me...all those months I was waiting for the 8th of October to see them again in concert...and it was AWESOME!!! 
Staples was full of girls around my age (mostly younger than me) screaming like me, dancing like me...It felt good to be young again. After all these years I am still a groupie. I had forgotten how life is just so full of excitement. Now that I found their greatest hits album...I will be able to remember that groupie feeling anytime anywhere...again.

trying not to get too excited....

the shirt that should have been bought 19 years ago...thank YOU Papa

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